
Lennart Kaiser
PhD student
Coppenrath Innovation Centre
Hamburger Straße 24
LOK 14, Raum 01.14.03A
49084 Osnabrück
Tel.: +49 541 969-6342
PhD Project:
Network as a Sensor in Agriculture
Communication systems such as public land mobile networks (e.g., 4G/LTE networks) or low-power IoT networks are
ubiquitous, nowadays. Temporal variations of the signal strength of such systems can be leveraged for low-cost crop
and soil sensing.
The goal of this thesis is to develop new approaches for approximating crop and/or soil
These approaches will be implemented, deployed, and evaluated on agricultural fields.
Project team: Lennart Kaiser (Ph.D. Student), Prof. Dr. Nils Aschenbruck (UOS), Dr. Thomas Hänel (UOS),Dr. Sebastian Vogel (ATB), Dr.-Ing. Volker Dworak (ATB)
Liu et al. Integrated Sensing and Communications: "Toward Dual-Functional Wireless Networks for
6G and Beyond", JSAC, 2022 doi.org/10.1109/JSAC.2022.3156632
Bauer, Aschenbruck: “Towards a low-cost RSSI-based Crop Monitoring“ ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (TIOT), 2020. dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3393667
Research Interests
- Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
- Wireless Sensing
- Low-Power Microcontroller Systems
- Internet of Things (IoT)
Thomas Hänel and Lennart Kaiser
Estimating Soil Moisture with COTS Hardware using BLE’s Angle-of-Arrival Feature
In 2024 IEEE 49th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), pages 1--6. IEEE, 2024. [ bib | DOI ]
Lennart Kaiser
On the Potential of Multi-channel RF-based Soil Moisture Sensing using Resource-constrained nodes
Master thesis, Osnabrück University, June 2023. [ bib ]
Birte Friesel, Kathrin Elmenhorst, Lennart Kaiser, Michael Müller, and Olaf Spinczyk
Kconfig-webconf: Retrofitting Performance Models onto Kconfig-Based Software Product Lines
In Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume B, SPLC '22, pages 58--61, New York, NY, USA, 2022. ACM Press. [ bib | DOI | pdf | http ]
Birte Friesel, Lennart Kaiser, and Olaf Spinczyk
Automatic Energy Model Generation with MSP430 EnergyTrace
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things, CPS-IoTBench '21, pages 26--31, New York, NY, USA, 2021. Association for Computing Machinery.
Best Presentation. [ bib | DOI | pdf | http ]
GIL Tagung 2024
Find the digital version of the conference poster here: GIL 2024 POSTER
ST 2024
- Programmierpraktikum Verteilte Systeme [INF-BP-PP/INF-ESS-PP/INF-BPPR, 6.660] 6 ECTS, Topic: IoT-based Biodiversity Monitoring (together with Thomas Hänel and Leonhard Brüggemann)